Thu, 30 Apr 2015
12:00 - 13:00
Kim Pham
Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) e.g. NiTi display a superelastic behavior at high temperature. Initially in a stable austenite phase, SMA can transform into an oriented martensite phase under an applied mechanical loading. After an unloading, the material recovers its initial stress-free state with no residual strain. Such loading cycle leads to an hysteresis loop in the stress-strain diagram that highlights the dissipated energy for having transformed the material. 
In a rate-independent context, we first show how a material stability criterion allows to construct a local one-dimensional phase transformation model. Such models relies on a unique scalar internal variable related to the martensite volume fraction. Evolution problem at the structural scale is then formulated in a variational way by means of two physical principles: a stability criterion based on the local minima of the total energy and an energy balance condition. We show how such framework allows to handle softening behavior and its compatibility with a regularization based on gradient of the internal variable.
We then extend such model to a more general three dimensional case by introducing a tensorial internal variable. We derive the evolution laws from the stability criterion and energy balance condition. Second order conditions are presented. Illustrations of the features of such model are shown on different examples. 
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