Richard Cockram

    Richard graduated in Mathematics from Brasenose College.  

    What do you do now?
    I’m retired and Secretary of the Cornwall Branch of the Oxford Society.  I’m also Deputy Chairman of the Cornish Pirates Rugby club.

    What success in your life are you most proud of?
    Securing a sufficiently large pension to be comfortable and productive in retirement.

    What advice would you give your student self?
    Make the most of the amazing academic, sporting and social opportunities available and forge friendships that will endure.

    What would you do differently if you were starting your career again?
    Nothing – I was fortunate that my first career step led me on to a series of roles which suited me perfectly.  My biggest career challenge was the transition from employment by various companies to self-employment.

    What do you like/miss/remember most about Oxford Mathematics?
    My introduction to Quantum Mechanics – I never really understood it, but am now fascinated by it.  I originally thought it was too academic for words, but now see that it is at work everywhere and will be the key to many challenges facing the world, especially in security, health and energy.

    Do you describe yourself as a mathematician?
    Only occasionally, though I wear my Oxford Maths hoodie with pride.

    What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
    So many books – so little time!

    Last updated on 25 Mar 2022, 3:43pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.