Thu, 04 Feb 2016
14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot
Dr Florent Lopez
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

To face the advent of multicore processors and the ever increasing complexity of hardware architectures, programming
models based on DAG parallelism regained popularity in the high performance, scientific computing community. Modern runtime systems offer a programming interface that complies with this paradigm and powerful engines for scheduling the tasks into which the application is decomposed. These tools have already proved their effectiveness on a number of dense linear algebra applications. 

In this talk we present the design of task-based sparse direct solvers on top of runtime systems. In the context of the
qr_mumps solver, we prove the usability and effectiveness of our approach with the implementation of a sparse matrix multifrontal factorization based on a Sequential Task flow parallel programming model. Using this programming model, we developed features such as the integration of dense 2D Communication Avoiding algorithms in the multifrontal method allowing for better scalability compared to the original approach used in qr_mumps.

Following this approach, we move to heterogeneous architectures where task granularity and scheduling strategies are critical to achieve performance. We present, for the multifrontal method, a hierarchical strategy for data partitioning and a scheduling algorithm capable of handling the heterogeneity of resources.   Finally we introduce a memory-aware algorithm to control the memory behavior of our solver and show, in the context of multicore architectures, an important reduction of the memory footprint for the multifrontal QR factorization with a small impact on performance.

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