Mon, 15 Feb 2016
14:15 - 15:00
Stefanie Petermichl

The Hilbert transform is a central operator in harmonic analysis as it gives access to the harmonic conjugate function. The link between pairs of martingales (X,Y) under differential subordination and the pair (f,Hf) of a function and its Hilbert transform have been known at least since the work of Burkholder and Bourgain in the UMD setting.

During the last 20 years, new and more exact probabilistic interpretations of operators such as the Hilbert transform have been studied extensively. The motivation for this was in part the study of optimal weighted estimates in harmonic analysis. It has been known since the 70s that H:L^2(w dx) to L^2(w dx) if and only if w is a Muckenhoupt weight with its finite Muckenhoupt characteristic. By a sharp estimate we mean the correct growth of the weighted norm in terms of this characteristic. In one particular case, such an estimate solved a long standing borderline regularity problem in complex PDE.

In this lecture, we present the historic development of the probabilistic interpretation in this area, as well as recent results and open questions.

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