Thu, 20 Oct 2016
14:00 - 15:00
Dr. Stefan Guettel
Manchester University

Rational Krylov methods are applicable to a wide range of scientific computing problems, and ​the rational Arnoldi algorithm is a commonly used procedure for computing an ​orthonormal basis of a rational Krylov space. Typically, the computationally most expensive component of this​ ​algorithm is the solution of a large linear system of equations at each iteration. We explore the​ ​option of solving several linear systems simultaneously, thus constructing the rational Krylov​ ​basis in parallel. If this is not done carefully, the basis being orthogonalized may become badly​ ​conditioned, leading to numerical instabilities in the orthogonalization process. We introduce the​ ​new concept of continuation pairs which gives rise to a near-optimal parallelization strategy that ​allows to control the growth of the condition number of this nonorthogonal basis. As a consequence we obtain a significantly more accurate and reliable parallel rational Arnoldi algorithm.
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The computational benefits are illustrated using several numerical examples from different application areas.
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This ​talk is based on joint work with Mario Berljafa  available as an Eprint at

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