Thu, 13 Oct 2016
14:00 - 15:00
Prof. Coralia Cartis
Oxford University

We present global rates of convergence for a general class of methods for nonconvex smooth optimization that include linesearch, trust-region and regularisation strategies, but that allow inaccurate problem information. Namely, we assume the local (first- or second-order) models of our function are only sufficiently accurate with a certain probability, and they can be arbitrarily poor otherwise. This framework subsumes certain stochastic gradient analyses and derivative-free techniques based on random sampling of function values. It can also be viewed as a robustness
assessment of deterministic methods and their resilience to inaccurate derivative computation such as due to processor failure in a distribute framework. We show that in terms of the order of the accuracy, the evaluation complexity of such methods is the same as their counterparts that use deterministic accurate models; the use of probabilistic models only increases the complexity by a constant, which depends on the probability of the models being good. Time permitting, we also discuss the case of inaccurate, probabilistic function value information, that arises in stochastic optimization. This work is joint with Katya Scheinberg (Lehigh University, USA).

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