Fri, 20 Jan 2017
10:00 - 11:00
Sira Gratz
University of Oxford


Abstract: Triangulations of surfaces serve as important examples for cluster theory, with the natural operation of “diagonal flips” encoding mutation in cluster algebras and categories. In this talk we will focus on the combinatorics of mutation on marked surfaces with infinitely many marked points, which have gained importance recently with the rising interest in cluster algebras and categories of infinite rank. In this setting, it is no longer possible to reach any triangulation from any other triangulation in finitely many steps. We introduce the notion of mutation along infinite admissible sequences and show that this induces a preorder on the set of triangulations of a fixed infinitely marked surface. Finally, in the example of the completed infinity-gon we define transfinite mutations and show that any triangulation of the completed infinity-gon can be reached from any other of its triangulations via a transfinite mutation. The content of this talk is joint work with Karin Baur.

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