STEM is an acronym that means a lot to those in the know and probably nothing to the vast majority of the population. However, STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are where it is at, at least in so far as any nation wanting to improve human wealth and welfare has to have a rich talent in those subjects.

To encourage that talent every year parliament hosts STEM for Britain, a poster competition and exhibition for early career researchers Around 150 researchers are presenting this year and they include 5 Oxford Mathematicians – James Grogan, Lucy Hutchinson, Christoph Siebenbrunner, Edward Rolls and Ben Sloman. James and Lucy's work is focussed on understanding tumour development and treatment while Edward also works in mathematical biology. Christoph studies risks to the stability of the financial system and Ben works on modelling thermal and chemical effects in silicon production. All five will present posters at the Event on Monday 13 March at the House of Commons where over 100 parliamentarians are expected. STEM may be a curious acronym, but a lot rests on it.


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