Seminar series
Fri, 24 Nov 2017
Richard Wade and Andrey Kormilitzin

Richard Wade:   Classifying spaces, automorphisms, and right-angled Artin groups 

Right-angled Artin groups (otherwise known as partially commutative groups, or graph groups), interpolate between free abelian groups and free groups. These groups have seen a lot of attention recently, much of this due to some surprising links to the world of hyperbolic 3-manifolds.We will look at classifying spaces for such groups and their associated automorphism groups. These spaces are useful as they give a topological way to understand algebraic invariants of groups. This leads us to study some beautiful mathematical objects: deformation spaces of tori and trees. We will look at some recent results that aim to bridge the gap between these two families of spaces.
Andrey Kormilitzin:   Learning from electronic health records using the theory of rough paths

In this talk, we bring the theory of rough paths to the study of non-parametric statistics on streamed data and particularly to the problem of regression and classification, where the input variable is a stream of information, and the dependent response is also (potentially) a path or a stream.  We informally explain how a certain graded feature set of a stream, known in the rough path literature as the signature of the path, has a universality that allows one to characterise the functional relationship summarising the conditional distribution of the dependent response. At the same time this feature set allows explicit computational approaches through machine learning algorithms.

Finally, the signature-based modelling can be applied to some real-world problems in medicine, in particular in mental health and gastro-enterology.

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