Seminar series
Fri, 09 Feb 2018
16:00 - 17:00
Yalong Cao and Doireann O'Kiely

Yaolong Cao: Gauge Theories on Geometric Spaces
In this talk, I will very briefly discuss gauge theories on various geometric spaces, including Riemann surfaces, 4-manifolds and manifolds with special or exceptional holonomy. More details on Calabi-Yau 4-folds will be mentioned, which are related to my research interests.

Doireann O'Kiely: Dynamic Wrinkling of Elastic Sheets
Our lives contain many scenarios in which thin structures wrinkle: a piece of tin foil or cling film crumples in our hand, and creases form in our skin as we age. In this talk I will discuss experimental and theoretical work by researchers in the Mathematical Institute on wrinkling of elastic sheets.
We study the impact of a solid onto an elastic sheet floating at a liquid-air interface. We observe a wave that is reminiscent of the ripples caused by dropping a stone in a pond, as well as spoke-like wrinkles, whose wavelength evolves in time. We describe these phenomena using a combination of asymptotic analysis, numerical simulations and scaling arguments.

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