Wed, 09 May 2018
Jan Steinebrunner
Oxford University

Given an endomorphism f:X --> X of a 'dualisable' object in a symmetric monoidal category, one can define its trace Tr(f). It turns out that the trace is 'universal' among the scalars we can produce from f. To prove this we will think of the 1d framed bordism category as the 'walking dualisable object' (using the cobordism hypothesis) and then apply the Yoneda lemma.
Employing similar techniques we can define 'hermitian' objects (generalising hermitian vector spaces) and prove that there is a 1-1 correspondence between Hermitian structures on a fixed object X and self-adjoint automorphisms of X. If time permits I will sketch how this relates to hermitian K-theory.

While all results of the talk hold for infinity-categories, they work equally well for ordinary categories. Therefore no knowledge of higher category theory is needed to follow the talk.

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