Seminar series
Mon, 14 May 2018
Tudor Dimofte
University of California, Davis

 I will discuss the quantum-field-theory origins of a classic result of Goresky-Kottwitz-MacPherson concerning the Koszul duality between the homology of G and the G-equivariant cohomology of a point. The physical narrative starts from an analysis of supersymmetric quantum mechanics with G symmetry, and leads naturally to a definition of the category of boundary conditions in two-dimensional topological gauge theory, which might be called the "G-equivariant Fukaya category of a point." This simple example illustrates a more general phenomenon (also appearing in C. Teleman's work in recent years) that pure gauge theory in d dimensions seems to control the structure of G-actions in (d-1)-dimensional QFT. This is part of joint work with C. Beem, D. Ben Zvi, M. Bullimore, and A. Neitzke.

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