Seminar series
Mon, 22 Oct 2018
Lisbeth Fajstrup
Aalborg University

In directed algebraic topology, a topological space is endowed 
with an extra structure, a selected subset of the paths called the 
directed paths or the d-structure. The subset has to contain the 
constant paths, be closed under concatenation and non-decreasing 
reparametrization. A space with a d-structure is a d-space.
If the space has a partial order, the paths increasing wrt. that order 
form a d-structure, but the circle with counter clockwise paths as the 
d-structure is a prominent example without an underlying partial order.
Dipaths are dihomotopic if there is a one-parameter family of directed 
paths connecting them. Since in general dipaths do not have inverses, 
instead of fundamental groups (or groupoids), there is a fundamental 
category. So already at this stage, the algebra is less desirable than 
for topological spaces.
We will give examples of what is currently known in the area, the kind 
of methods used and the problems and questions which need answering - in 
particular with applications in computer science in mind.

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