Seminar series
Tue, 06 Nov 2018
Misha Gavrilovich
Higher School of Economics


In my talk I shall try to explain the following speculation and present some
evidence in the form of "correlations" between categoricity conjectures in
model theory and motivic conjectures in algebraic geometry.

Transfinite induction constructions developed in model theory are by now
sufficiently developed to be used to build analogues of objects in algebraic
geometry constructed with a choice of topology, such as a singular cohomology theory,
the Hodge decomposition, and fundamental groups of complex algebraic varieties.
Moreover, these algebraic geometric objects are often conjectured to satisfy
homogeneity or freeness properties which are true for objects constructed by
transfinite induction.

An example of this is Hrushovski fusion used to build Zilber pseudoexponentiation,
i.e. a group homomorphism  $ex:C^+ \to C^*$ which satisfies Schanuel conjecture,
a transcendence property analogous to Grothendieck conjecture on periods.

I shall also present a precise conjecture on "uniqueness" of Q-forms (comparison isomorphisms)
of complex etale cohomology, and will try to explain its relation to conjectures on l-adic
Galois representations coming from the theory of motivic Galois group.

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