Much is written about life as an undergraduate at Oxford but what is it really like? As Oxford Mathematics's new first-year students arrive (273 of them, comprising 33 nationalities) we thought we would take the opportunity to go behind the scenes and share some of their experiences.

Our starting point is a first week lecture. In this case the second lecture from 'An Introduction to Complex Numbers' by Dr. Vicky Neale. Whether you are a past student, an aspiring student or just curious as to how teaching works, come and take a seat. We have already featured snippets from the lecture on social media where comments have ranged from a debate about whiteboards to discussions abut standards. However, there has also been appreciation of the fact that we are giving an insight in to a system that is sometimes seem as unnecessarily mysterious. In fact there is no mystery, just an opportunity to see how we present the subject and how that differs from the school experience, as much in presentation as content though of course that stiffens as the weeks go by.

So take your seat and let us know what you think.



Posted on 25 Oct 2018, 11:39am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.