Seminar series
Thu, 15 Nov 2018
14:00 - 16:00
Victor Rotger

Abstract: Akshay Venkatesh and his coauthors (Galatius, Harris, Prasanna) have recently introduced a derived Hecke algebra and a derived Galois deformation ring acting on the homology of an arithmetic group, say with p-adic coefficients. These actions account for the presence of the same system of eigenvalues simultaneously in various degrees. They have also formulated a conjecture describing a finer action of a motivic group which should preserve the rational structure $H^i(\Gamma,\Q)$. In this lecture we focus in the setting of classical modular forms of weight one, where the same systems of eigenvalues appear both in degree 0 and 1 of coherent cohomology of a modular curve, and the motivic group referred to above is generated by a Stark unit. In joint work with Darmon, Harris and Venkatesh, we exploit the Theta correspondence and higher Eisenstein elements to prove the conjecture for dihedral forms.

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