Thu, 23 May 2019
Cristina Palmer-Anghel
Oxford University

The world of quantum invariants began in 1983 with the discovery of the Jones polynomial. Later on, Reshetikhin and Turaev developed an algebraic machinery that provides knot invariants. This algebraic construction leads to a sequence of quantum generalisations of this invariant, called coloured Jones polynomials. The original Jones polynomial can be defined by so called skein relations. However, unlike other classical invariants for knots like the Alexander polynomial, its relation to the topology of the complement is still a mysterious and deep question. On the topological side, R. Lawrence defined a sequence of braid group representations on the homology of coverings of configuration spaces. Then, based on her work, Bigelow gave a topological model for the Jones polynomial, as a graded intersection pairing between certain homology classes. We aim to create a bridge between these theories, which interplays between representation theory and low dimensional topology. We describe the Bigelow-Lawrence model, emphasising the construction of the homology classes. Then, we show that the sequence of coloured Jones polynomials can be seen through the same formalism, as topological intersection pairings of homology classes in coverings of the configuration space in the punctured disc.

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