Thu, 14 Nov 2019
Head of Heilbronn Institute
Heilbronn Institute

In the twentieth century we leant that the theory of communication is a mathematical theory. Mathematics is able to add to the value of data, for example by removing redundancy (compression) or increasing robustness (error correction). More famously mathematics can add value to data in the presence of an adversary which is my personal definition of cryptography. Cryptographers talk about properties of confidentiality, integrity, and authentication, though modern cryptography also facilitates transparency (distributed ledgers), plausible deniability (TrueCrypt), and anonymity (Tor).
Modern cryptography faces new design challenges as people demand more functionality from data. Some recent requirements include homomorphic encryption, efficient zero knowledge proofs for smart contracting, quantum resistant cryptography, and lightweight cryptography. I'll try and cover some of the motivations and methods for these.

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