Thu, 29 Apr 2021
Volker Mehrmann
TU Berlin

Dissipative Hamiltonian systems are an important class of dynamical systems that arise in all areas of science and engineering. They are a special case of port-Hamiltonian control systems. When the system is linearized arround a stationary solution one gets a linear dissipative Hamiltonian typically differential-algebraic system. Despite the fact that the system looks unstructured at first sight, it has remarkable properties.  Stability and passivity are automatic, spectral structures for purely imaginary eigenvalues, eigenvalues at infinity, and even singular blocks in the Kronecker canonical form are very restricted and furthermore the structure leads to fast and efficient iterative solution methods for asociated linear systems. When port-Hamiltonian systems are subject to (structured) perturbations, then it is important to determine the minimal allowed perturbations so that these properties are not preserved. The computation of these structured distances to instability, non-passivity, or non-regularity, is typically a very hard non-convex optimization problem. However, in the context of dissipative Hamiltonian systems, the computation becomes much easier and can even be implemented efficiently for large scale problems in combination with model reduction techniques. We will discuss these distances and the computational methods and illustrate the results via an industrial problem.



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