Wed, 10 Nov 2021
16:00 - 17:00
Christoph Weis
University of Oxford

Orbifolds are a generalisation of manifolds which allow group actions to enter the picture. The most basic examples of orbifolds are quotients of manifolds by (non-free) finite group actions.
I will give an introduction to orbifolds, recalling a number of philosophically different but mathematically equivalent definitions. For starters, I will try to convince you that "a space locally modelled on a quotient of R^n by a finite group" is misleading. I will draw many pictures of orbifolds, make the connection to complexes of groups, and explain the definition of a map of orbifolds. In the process, I hope to demystify the definition of the orbifold fundamental group, the orbifold Euler characteristic and orbifold cohomology.

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