Seminar series
Wed, 02 Mar 2022
10:00 - 12:00
Franco Rampazzo
Università degli Studi di Padova

Courserequirements: Basicmathematicalanalysis.

Examination and grading: The exam will consist in the presentation of some previously as- signed article or book chapter (of course the student must show a good knowledge of those issues taught during the course which are connected with the presentation.).

SSD: MAT/05 Mathematical Analysis
Aim: to make students aware of smooth and non-smooth controllability results and of some

applications in various fields of Mathematics and of technology as well.

Course contents:

Vector fields are basic ingredients in many classical issues of Mathematical Analysis and its applications, including Dynamical Systems, Control Theory, and PDE’s. Loosely speaking, controllability is the study of the points that can be reached from a given initial point through concatenations of trajectories of vector fields belonging to a given family. Classical results will be stated and proved, using coordinates but also underlying possible chart-independent interpretation. We will also discuss the non smooth case, including some issues which involve Lie brackets of nonsmooth vector vector fields, a subject of relatively recent interest.

Bibliography: Lecture notes written by the teacher.

Further Information

Dates and Times (GMT):

10am – 12pm Monday’s 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd March

8am – 10am Friday’s 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March

Course Length: 16 hrs total (8 x 2 hrs)

Click here to enroll

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