Fri, 04 Mar 2022
14:00 - 15:00
Rhiannon Savage
University of Oxford

In this talk I will discuss my extension of the Koszul duality theory of Beilinson, Ginzburg, and Soergel to the more general setting of quasi-abelian categories. In particular, I will define the notions of Koszul monoids, and quadratic monoids and their duals. Schneiders' embedding of a quasi-abelian category into an abelian category, its left heart, allows us to prove an equivalence of derived categories for certain categories of modules over Koszul monoids and their duals. The key examples of categories for which this theory works are the categories of complete bornological spaces and the categories of inductive limits of Banach spaces. These categories frequently appear in derived analytic geometry.

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