Seminar series
Thu, 24 Mar 2022
15:00 - 16:00
Jeroen Hekking
KTH Stockholm

The blow-up B of a scheme X in a closed subscheme Z enjoys the universal property that for any scheme X' over X such that the pullback of Z to X' is an effective Cartier divisor, there is a unique morphism of X' into B over X. It is well-known that the blow-up commutes along flat base change.

In this talk, I will discuss a derived enhancement B' of B, namely the derived blow-up, which enjoys a universal property against all schemes over X, satisfies arbitrary (derived) base-change, and contains B as a closed subscheme. To this end, we will need some elements from derived algebraic geometry, which I will review along the way. This will allow us to construct the derived blow-up as the projective spectrum of the derived Rees algebra, and state its functor of points in terms of virtual Cartier divisors, using Weil restrictions.

This is based on ongoing joint work with Adeel Khan and David Rydh.

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