Mon, 02 Feb 2004
Daniel Faraco
Max Planck Leipzig

Recently Friesecke, James and Muller established the following

quantitative version of the rigidity of SO(n) the group of special orthogonal

matrices. Let U be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Then there exists a constant

C(U) such that for any mapping v in the L2-Sobelev space the L^2-distance of

the gradient controlls the distance of v a a single roation.

This interesting inequality is fundamental in several problems concerning

dimension reduction in nonlinear elasticity.

In this talk, we will present a joint work with Muller and Zhong where we

investigate an analagous quantitative estimate where we replace SO(n) by an

arbitrary smooth, compact and SO(n) invariant subset of the conformal

matrices E. The main novelty is that exact solutions to the differential

inclusion Df(x) in E a.e.x in U are not necessarily affine mappings.

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