Mon, 08 Mar 2004
DH 3rd floor SR
Remco van der Hofstad
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Weakly self-avoiding walk (WSAW) is obtained by giving a penalty for every

self-intersection to the simple random walk path. The Edwards model (EM) is

obtained by giving a penalty proportional to the square integral of the local

times to the Brownian motion path. Both measures significantly reduce the

amount of time the motion spends in self-intersections.

The above models serve as caricature models for polymers, and we will give

an introduction polymers and probabilistic polymer models. We study the WSAW

and EM in dimension one.

We prove that as the self-repellence penalty tends to zero, the large

deviation rate function of the weakly self-avoiding walk converges to the rate

function of the Edwards model. This shows that the speeds of one-dimensional

weakly self-avoiding walk (if it exists) converges to the speed of the Edwards

model. The results generalize results earlier proved only for nearest-neighbor

simple random walks via an entirely different, and significantly more

complicated, method. The proof only uses weak convergence together with

properties of the Edwards model, avoiding the rather heavy functional analysis

that was used previously.

The method of proof is quite flexible, and also applies to various related

settings, such as the strictly self-avoiding case with diverging variance.

This result proves a conjecture by Aldous from 1986. This is joint work with

Frank den Hollander and Wolfgang Koenig.

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