Congratulations to John Ockendon, and his team of Co-PIs: Chris Breward, Jon Chapman, David Gavaghan, Sam Howison, Philip Maini, and Nick Trefethen.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology's (KAUST) Global Research Partnership has announced a grant to Oxford's new Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics (OCCAM), based in the Mathematical Institute.

The Press release states:

University of Oxford's Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics (OCCAM), led by Principal Investigator John Ockendon and six Co-Principal Investigators, will lead to the development of mathematical solutions to real-world problems, as diverse as modeling fluid-structure and acoustic-structure interactions and petroleum reservoir simulation (with applications in industry), modeling of plant and crop growth in stressed environments and vegetation-dune interactions (with applications in agriculture and land use policy). OCCAM will also enable a broad range of the basic and applied research lines at KAUST. OCCAM and its classes, lectures, and local and international network will be accessible through this collaboration. The Oxford Mathematical Institute's renowned "Industrial Study Group" methodology -which provides a direct link between academe and the problems faced by commercial enterprises-will be transferred to KAUST between now and 2010.

Other Global Partnership Centers are to be at Cornell University, Stanford University, and Texas A&M University.

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