I am Tuya Sa, a PhD student at Loughborough University, conducting research on mathematicians' conception on different dimensions of proofs. 

I would like to invite you to participate in a short web experiment. It will take around 10 or 15 minutes (but there is no time limit).

You will be randomly assigned a factor for judging the proofs, which could be any one of 'generality', 'economy', 'seriousness', 'depth', 'inevitability', or 'beauty'.

You will be asked to consider pairs of proofs and to select the one which you judge to be the most general, economical, serious, deep, inevitable, or beautiful. 

Your responses are entirely anonymous, and no personal data is collected.

I would be extremely grateful if you could take part, when you need to take a short break from marking or your research. 

You can do so by visiting this link

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Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 06 Jul 2022 23:31.