Mon, 19 Nov 2007
13:15 - 14:15
Oxford-Man Institute
Prof. Jeffrey Steif
Chalmers University of Technology

In ordinary percolation, sites of a lattice are open with a given probability and one investigates the existence of infinite clusters (percolation). In dynamical percolation, the sites randomly flip between the states open and closed and one investigates the existence of "atypical" times at which the percolation structure is different from that of a fixed time.

1. I will quickly present some of the original results for dynamical percolation (joint work with Olle Haggstrom and Yuval Peres) including no exceptional times in critical percolation in high dimensions.

2. I will go into some details concerning a recent result that, for the 2 dimensional triangular lattice, there are exceptional times for critical percolation (joint work with Oded Schramm). This involves an interesting connection with the harmonic analysis of Boolean functions and randomized algorithms and relies on the recent computation of critical exponents by Lawler, Schramm, Smirnov, and Werner.

3. If there is time, I will mention some very recent results of Garban, Pete, and Schramm on the Fourier spectrum of critical percolation.

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