The Adams Prize is awarded jointly each year by the Faculty of Mathematics and St John's College Cambridge to a young (normally under 40 years of age), UK-based researcher doing first class international research in the Mathematical Sciences.

This year's topic was Representation Theory, and the Prize has been awarded to Professor Raphaël Rouquier of the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.

Professor Timothy Pedley, Chairman of the Adams Prize Adjudicators, said:

The quality, depth and influence of Professor Rouquier's work is already highly impressive. He has a long list of fundamental results, extending back to the late 1990s, on both the two main areas of representation theory: representations of general finite-dimensional algebras and derived categories, and representations of Lie groups in various forms.

Every one of the six papers submitted by Professor Rouquier has already had a major impact, despite the fact that no fewer than four of them were published in 2008 alone.

For further information see the original Cambridge University news article

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