- Construction completion date now expected to be June 2025

- Site preparation for piling will be happening over the next week

- Piling rigs arrive on 16/01/2023 with piling commencing by end of that week. Rigs are twice as tall as Maths and there are three of them piling at once with works through to Easter.

They will be using the lowest noise level piling method, but it will not be silent or without some vibration. We have been reassured by Estates and the contractors that other departments have found it okay to continue to work next door when they have done such works right next to those buildings in recent years.

- Excavation and build out from basement after that for the rest of the year

- To be continued

Artist's impression of the building

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Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 12 Jan 2023 23:33.