Tue, 29 Jan 2008
14:45 - 15:45
Dominic Joyce

This is the second of two talks, and probably will not be comprehensible unless you came to last week's talk.

A Kuranishi space is a topological space equipped with a Kuranishi structure, defined by Fukaya and Ono. Kuranishi structures occur naturally on many moduli spaces in differential geometry, and in particular, in moduli spaces of stable $J$-holomorphic curves in symplectic geometry.

Let $Y$ be an orbifold, and $R$ a commutative ring. We define four topological invariants of $Y$: two kinds of Kuranishi bordism ring $KB_*(Y;R)$, and two kinds of Kuranishi homology ring $KH_*(Y;R)$. Roughly speaking, they are spanned over $R$ by isomorphism classes $[X,f]$ with various choices of relations, where $X$ is a compact oriented Kuranishi space, which is without boundary for bordism and with boundary and corners for homology, and $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is a strong submersion. These theories are powerful tools in symplectic geometry.

Today we discuss the definition of Kuranishi homology, and the proof that weak Kuranishi homology is isomorphic to the singular homology.

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