Seminar series
Mon, 28 Jan 2008
11:00 - 12:00
James Gray
Abstract: For a large class of compactifications of interest in string phenomenology, the task of finding vacua of the four dimensional effective theories can be rewritten as a simple problem in algebraic geometry. Using recent developments in computer algebra, the task can then be rapidly dealt with in a completely algorithmic fashion. I shall review the main points of hep-th/0606122 and hep-th/0703249 in which this approach to finding vacua was set out, before moving on to a description of the Mathematica package STRINGVACUA (as described in arXiv:0801.1508 [hep-th]). This package uses the power of the computer algebra system Singular and provides a user-friendly implementation of our methods, intended for use by physicists, within the comfortable working environment of Mathematica.
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