Seminar series
Mon, 22 May 2023
Lakshya Bhardwaj

I will discuss various possible ways a global symmetry can act on operators in a quantum field theory. The possible actions on q-dimensional operators are referred to as q-charges of the symmetry. Crucially, there exist generalized higher-charges already for an ordinary global symmetry described by a group G. The usual charges are 0-charges, describing the action of the symmetry group G on point-like local operators, which are well-known to correspond to representations of G. We find that there is a neat generalization of this fact to higher-charges: i.e. q-charges are (q+1)-representations of G. I will also discuss q-charges for generalized global symmetries, including not only invertible higher-form and higher-group symmetries, but also non-invertible categorical symmetries. This talk is based on a recent (arXiv: 2304.02660) and upcoming works with Sakura Schafer-Nameki.

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