Seminar series
Fri, 25 Apr 2008
Gibson 1st Floor SR
Gui-Qiang Chen
Northwestern University
In this talk we will start with various shock reflection-diffraction phenomena, their fundamental scientific issues, and their theoretical roles in the mathematical theory of multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Then we will describe how the global shock reflection-diffraction problems can be formulated as free boundary problems for nonlinear conservation laws of mixed-composite hyperbolic-elliptic type.

Finally we will discuss some recent developments in attacking the shock reflection-diffraction problems, including the existence, stability, and regularity of global regular configurations of shock reflection-diffraction by wedges. The approach includes techniques to handle free boundary problems, degenerate elliptic equations, and corner singularities, which is highly motivated by experimental, computational, and asymptotic results. Further trends and open problems in this direction will be also addressed. This talk will be mainly based on joint work with M. Feldman.

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