Seminar series
Thu, 19 Oct 2023
12:00 - 13:00
Hyunsuk Kang
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology and University of Oxford

Extrinsic flows are evolution equations whose speeds are determined by the extrinsic curvature of submanifolds in ambient spaces.  Some of the well-known ones are mean curvature flow, Gauss curvature flow, and Lagrangian mean curvature flow.

We focus on the special case in which the speed of a flow is given by powers of mean curvature for smooth convex hypersurfaces of graph type, i.e., ones that can be represented as the graph of a function.  Convergence and long-time existence of such flow will be discussed. Furthermore, C^2 estimates which are independent of height of the graph will be derived to see that the boundary of the domain of the graph is also a smooth solution for the same flow as a submanifold with codimension two in the classical sense.  Some of the main ideas, notably a priori estimates via the maximum principle, come from the work of Huisken and Ecker on mean curvature evolution of entire graphs in 1989.  This is a joint work with Ki-ahm Lee and Taehun Lee.

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