Seminar series
Mon, 15 Jan 2024
Sungkyung Kang
(Oxford University)

Involutive knot Floer homology, a refinement of knot Floer theory, is a powerful knot invariant which was used to solve several long-standing problems, including the one-is-not-enough result for 4-manifolds with boundary. In this talk, we show that if the involutive knot Floer homology of a knot K admits an invariant splitting, then the induced splitting if the knot Floer homology of P(K), for any pattern P, can be made invariant under its \iota_K involution. As an application, we construct an infinite family of examples of pairs of exotic contractible 4-manifolds which survive one stabilization, and observe that some of them are potential candidates for surviving two stabilizations.

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