Seminar series
Thu, 17 Jul 2008
Hendryk Pfeiffer

A 2-dimensional Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT) is a symmetric monoidal functor from the category of 2-dimensional cobordisms to the category of vector spaces. A classic result states that 2d TQFTs are classified by commutative Frobenius algebras.  I show how to extend this result to open-closed TQFTs using a class of 2-manifolds with corners, how to use the Moore-Segal relations in order to find a canonical form and a complete set of invariants for our cobordisms and how to classify open-closed TQFTs algebraically.  Open-closed TQFTs can be used to find algebraic counterparts of Bar-Natan's topological extension of Khovanov homology from links to tangles and in order to get hold of the braided monoidal 2-category that governs this aspect of Khovanov homology. I also sketch what open-closed TQFTs reveal about the categorical ladder of combinatorial manifold invariants according to Crane and Frenkel.


1] A. D. Lauda, H. Pfeiffer:

Open-closed strings: Two-dimensional extended TQFTs and Frobenius algebras,

Topology Appl. 155, No. 7 (2008) 623-666, arXiv:math/0510664

2] A. D. Lauda, H. Pfeiffer: State sum construction of two-dimensional open-closed Topological Quantum Field Theories,

J. Knot Th. Ramif. 16, No. 9 (2007) 1121-1163,arXiv:math/0602047

3] A. D. Lauda, H. Pfeiffer: Open-closed TQFTs extend Khovanov homology from links to tangles, J. Knot Th. Ramif., in press, arXiv:math/0606331.

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