Thu, 30 Oct 2008
14:30 - 15:30
Rudolf Tange

It is well-known that there is a strong link between the representation

theories of the general linear group and the symmetric group over the

complex numbers. J.A.Green has shown that this in also true over infinite

fields of positive characteristic. For this he used the Schur functor as

introduced by I.Schur in his PhD thesis.

In this talk I will show that one can do the same thing for the symplectic

group and the Brauer algebra. This is joint work with S.Donkin. As a

consequence we obtain that (under certain conditions) the Brauer algebra and

the symplectic Schur algebra in characteristic p have the same block

relation. Furthermore we obtain a new proof of the description of the blocks

of the Brauer algebra in characteristic zero as obtained by Cox, De Visscher

and Martin.

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