Fri, 07 Nov 2008
DH 1st floor SR
Dilip Madan

Stress levels embedded in S&P 500 options are constructed and re-ported. The stress function used is MINMAXV AR: Seven joint laws for the top 50 stocks in the index are considered. The first time changes a Gaussian one factor copula. The remaining six employ correlated Brownian motion independently time changed in each coordinate. Four models use daily returns, either run as Lévy processes or scaled, to the option maturity. The last two employ risk neutral marginals from the V GSSD and CGMY SSD Sato processes. The smallest stress function uses CGMY SSD risk neutral marginals and Lévy correlation. Running the Lévy process yields a lower stress surface than scaling to the option maturity. Static hedging of basket options to a particular level of accept- ability is shown to substantially lower the price at which the basket option may be o¤ered.

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