Thu, 18 Jun 2009
16:30 - 17:30
DH 1st floor SR
Mark McGuinness
University of Limerick

Platelet ice may be an important component of Antarctic land-fast sea

ice. Typically, it is found at depth in first-year landfast sea ice

cover, near ice shelves. To explain why platelet ice is not commonly

observed at shallower depths, we consider a new mechanism. Our

hypothesis is that platelet ice eventually appears due to the sudden

deposition of frazil ice against the fast ice-ocean interface,

providing randomly oriented nucleation sites for crystal growth.

Brine rejected in plumes from land-fast ice generates stirring

sufficient to prevent frazil ice from attaching to the interface,

forcing it to remain in suspension until ice growth rate and brine

rejection slow to the point that frazil can stick. We calculate a

brine plume velocity, and match this to frazil rise velocity.

We consider both laminar and turbulent environments. We find that

brine plume velocities are generally powerful enough to prevent most

frazil from sticking in the case of laminar flow, and that in the

turbulent case there may be a critical ice thickness at which most

frazil suddenly settles.

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