Thu, 26 Nov 2009
14:30 - 15:30
Anne Shepler (Denton, Texas and RWTH, Aachen)

Hochschild cohomology governs deformations of algebras, and its graded Lie

structure plays a critical role. We explore this structure for a finite

group G acting on an algebra S by automorphisms. We capture the group

together with its action with the natural semi-direct product, S#G,

known as the "skew group algebra" or "smash product algebra". For example,

when G acts linearly on a complex vector space V, it induces an action on

the symmetric algebra S(V), a polynomial ring. The semi-direct product

S(V)#G is a surrogate for the ring of invariant polynomials on V; it

serves as the coordinate ring for the orbifold arising from the action of

G on V. Deformations of this skew group algebra S(V)#G play a prominent

role in representation theory. Such deformations include graded Hecke

algebras (originally defined independently by Drinfeld and by Lusztig),

symplectic reflection algebras (investigated by Etingof and Ginzburg in

the study of orbifolds), and rational Cherednik algebras (introduced to

solve Macdonald's inner product conjectures). We explore the graded Lie

structure (or Gerstenhaber bracket) of the Hochschild cohomology of skew

group algebras with an eye toward deformation theory. For abelian groups

acting linearly, this structure can be described in terms of inner

products of group characters. (Joint work with Sarah Witherspoon.)

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