Seminar series
Thu, 29 Apr 2010
12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR
Dmitri Vassiliev
University College, London

We consider a 3-dimensional elastic continuum whose material points

can experience no displacements, only rotations. This framework is a

special case of the Cosserat theory of elasticity. Rotations of

material points of the continuum are described mathematically by

attaching to each geometric point an orthonormal basis which gives a

field of orthonormal bases called the coframe. As the dynamical

variables (unknowns) of our theory we choose the coframe and a


In the first part of the talk we write down the general dynamic

variational functional of our problem. In doing this we follow the

logic of classical linear elasticity with displacements replaced by

rotations and strain replaced by torsion. The corresponding

Euler-Lagrange equations turn out to be nonlinear, with the source

of this nonlinearity being purely geometric: unlike displacements,

rotations in 3D do not commute.

In the second part of the talk we present a class of explicit

solutions of our Euler-Lagrange equations. We call these solutions

plane waves. We identify two types of plane waves and calculate

their velocities.

In the third part of the talk we consider a particular case of our

theory when only one of the three rotational elastic moduli, that

corresponding to axial torsion, is nonzero. We examine this case in

detail and seek solutions which oscillate harmonically in time but

depend on the space coordinates in an arbitrary manner (this is a

far more general setting than with plane waves). We show [1] that

our second order nonlinear Euler-Lagrange equations are equivalent

to a pair of linear first order massless Dirac equations. The

crucial element of the proof is the observation that our Lagrangian

admits a factorisation.

[1] Olga Chervova and Dmitri Vassiliev, "The stationary Weyl

equation and Cosserat elasticity", preprint

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