Thu, 06 May 2010
12:00 - 13:00
Markus Roeser

A Hyperkähler manifold is a riemannian manifold carrying three complex structures which behave like quaternions such that the metric is Kähler with respect to each of them. This means in particular that the manifold is a symplectic manifold in many different ways. In analogy to the Marsden-Weinstein reduction on a symplectic manifold, there is also a quotient construction for group actions that preserve the Hyperkähler structure and admit a moment map. In fact most known (non-compact) examples of hyperkähler manifolds arise in this way from an appropriate group action on a quaternionic vector space.

In the first half of the talk I will give the definition of a hyperkähler manifold and explain the hyperkähler quotient construction. As an important application I will discuss the moduli space of solutions to the gauge-theoretic "Self-duality equations on a Riemann surface", the space of Higgs bundles, and explain how it can be viewed as a hyperkähler quotient in an infinite-dimensional setting.

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