Thu, 20 May 2010
12:00 - 13:00
Flavio Cordeiro

\paragraph{} Poisson quasi-Nijenhuis structures with background (PqNb structures) were recently defined and are one of the most general structures within Poisson geometry. On one hand they generalize the structures of Poisson-Nijenhuis type, which in particular contain the Poisson structures themselves. On the other hand they generalize the (twisted) generalized complex structures defined some years ago by Hitchin and Gualtieri. Moreover, PqNb manifolds were found to be appropriate target manifolds for sigma models if one wishes to incorporate certain physical features in the model. All these three reasons put the PqNb structures as a new and general object that deserves to be studied in its own right.

\paragraph{} I will start the talk by introducing all the concepts necessary for defining PqNb structures, making this talk completely self-contained. After a brief recall on Poisson structures, I will define Poisson-Nijenhuis and Poisson quasi-Nijenhuis manifolds and then move on to a brief presentation on the basics of generalized complex geometry. The PqNb structures then arise as the general structure which incorporates all the structures referred above. In the second part of the talk, I will define gauge transformations of PqNb structures and show how one can use this concept to construct examples of such structures. This material corresponds to part of the article arXiv:0912.0688v1 [math.DG].\\

\paragraph{} Also, if time permits, I will shortly discuss the appearing of PqNb manifolds as target manifolds of sigma models.

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