Seminar series
Thu, 28 Oct 2010
Raf Cluckers

Motivic exponential integrals are an abstract version of p-adic exponential integrals for big p. The latter in itself is a flexible tool to describe (families of) finite expontial sums. In this talk we will only need the more concrete view of "uniform in p p-adic integrals"

instead of the abstract view on motivic integrals. With F. Loeser, we obtained a first transfer principle for these integrals, which allows one to change the characteristic of the local field when one studies equalities of integrals, which appeared in Ann. of Math (2010). This transfer principle in particular applies to the Fundamental Lemma of the Langlands program (see arxiv). In work in progress with Halupczok and Gordon, we obtain a second transfer principle which allows one to change the characteristic of the local field when one studies integrability conditions of motivic exponential functions. This in particular solves an open problem about the local integrability of Harish-Chandra characters in (large enough) positive characteristic.

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