Seminar series
Thu, 20 Jan 2011
Professor Tobias Kaiser

We are interested in measure theory and integration theory that ¯ts into the
o-minimal context. Therefore we introduce the following de¯nition:
Given an o-minimal structure M on the ¯eld of reals and a measure ¹ de¯ned on the
Borel sets of some Rn, we call ¹ M-tame if there is an o-minimal expansion of M such
that for every parameter family of functions on Rn that is de¯nable in M the family of
integrals with respect to ¹ is de¯nable in this o-minimal expansion.
In the ¯rst part of the talk we give the de¯nitions and motivate them by existing and
many new examples. In the second one we discuss the Lebesgue measure in this context.
In the ¯nal part we obtain de¯nable versions of important theorems like the theorem of
Radon-Nikodym and the Riesz representation theorem. These results allow us to describe
tame measures explicitly.

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