Seminar series
Thu, 10 Mar 2011
12:30 - 13:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR
Carolin Kreisbeck
Carnegie Mellon University

Modern mathematical approaches to plasticity result in non-convex variational problems for which the standard methods of the calculus of variations are not applicable. In this contribution we consider geometrically nonlinear crystal elasto-plasticity in two dimensions with one active slip system. In order to derive information about macroscopic material behavior the relaxation of the corresponding incremental problems is studied. We focus on the question if realistic systems with an elastic energy leading to large penalization of small elastic strains can be well-approximated by models based on the assumption of rigid elasticity. The interesting finding is that there are qualitatively different answers depending on whether hardening is included or not. In presence of hardening we obtain a positive result, which is mathematically backed up by Γ-convergence, while the material shows very soft macroscopic behavior in case of no hardening. The latter is due to the vanishing relaxation for a large class of applied loads.

This is joint work with Sergio Conti and Georg Dolzmann.

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