Thu, 27 Jan 2011
13:00 - 14:00
Martin Palmer
University of Oxford

I will first introduce and motivate the notion of 'homological stability' for a sequence of spaces and maps. I will then describe a method of proving homological stability for configuration spaces of n unordered points in a manifold as n goes to infinity (and applications of this to sequences of braid groups). This method also generalises to the situation where the configuration has some additional local data: a continuous parameter attached to each point.

However, the method says nothing about the case of adding global data to the configurations, and indeed such configuration spaces rarely do have homological stability. I will sketch a proof -- using an entirely different method -- which shows that in some cases, spaces of configurations with additional global data do have homological stability. Specifically, this holds for the simplest possible global datum for a configuration: an ordering of the points up to even permutations. As a corollary, for example, this proves homological stability for the sequence of alternating groups.

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