Seminar series
Mon, 07 Feb 2011
15:45 - 16:45
Roberto Frigerio
Universita di Pisa

In this talk I describe some results obtained in collaboration with

J.F. Lafont and A. Sisto, which concern rigidity theorems for a class of

manifolds which are ``mostly'' non-positively curved, but may not support

any actual non-positively curved metric.

More precisely, we define a class of manifolds which contains

non-positively curved examples.

Building on techniques coming from geometric group theory, we show

that smooth rigidity holds within our class of manifolds

(in fact, they are also topologically rigid - i.e. they satisfy the Borel

conjecture - but this fact won't be discussed in my talk).

We also discuss some results concerning the quasi-isometry type of the

fundamental groups

of mostly non-positively curved manifolds.

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