Thu, 16 Jun 2011
14:30 - 15:30
Delphine Dupont (Oxford)

The category of perverse sheaves, Perv_X, on a stratified space X plays an

important role in the Intersection cohomology of Goresky-MacPherson and on the theory of

D-modules. It is defined as a subcategory of the derived category of

sheaves. Hence a usual complaint is that there are not very concrete

objects. A lot of work has been done to describe Perv_X more explicitly.

Hence many methods had been develop to describe Perv_X as a category of

quiver representations. An important property of perverse sheaves is that they can be viewed as a

stack, it means that a perverse sheaf can be defined up to isomorphism from

the data of perverse sheaves on an open cover of X plus some glueing data.

In this talk we show how the theory of stacks and more precisely the

notion of constructible stacks can be used in order to glue a description

due to Galligo, Granger and Maisonobe of the category Perv_X when X is C^n

stratified by a normal crossing stratification. Thanks to this we will

obtain a description of Perv_X on smooth toric varieties stratified by the

torus action.

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